So, I have a confession to make. I am not a measure-er. What?? When I cook, I rarely measure the ingredients. I follow recipes loosely--they are a guideline right? Consequently, I sometimes have to guesstimate how much of this or that has gone into a recipe I share with far so good :)
Here is just such a recipe, I wait all year to harvest the Garlic scape's from my garden--this past Sunday was the day!! Yeah!
Not familiar with garlic scape's? A gourmet delight garlic scape's are the flower stalk of the garlic. The entire stalk and flower are edible. With mild garlic flavor and aroma they are wonderful additions to stew, roasts, marinade, salads, sandwiches, sauces, bread, pasta, pesto, stir-fry, roasted, or even steamed and eaten as a vegetable. The possibilities are endless!
This is my favourite scape recipe--
Garlic Scape and Walnut Pesto
1 200 gr bag of walnuts
1 green onion
7-8 scapes
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
cracked pepper
1/4 cup (or more depending on dryness) olive oil
3/4 cup parmesan cheese
In food processor pulse, add all ingredients except olive oil and parmesan. Pulse until walnuts and scapes are small--but not mushy. (this is a chunky style pesto--not the same as the grocery store variety!) Add olive oil, pulse. Add cheese, pulse. add more oil if necessary --be careful not to add too much!
( I make mine in the tupperware "Quick Chef" chopper--you can do the same or use your food processor...)
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