I am in the beginning stages of planning out Lesson Number One for my Food-ivore for Kids! class--I can't begin to explain the gamut of emotions-- Excitement, fear, happiness, longing...it seems that I am finally beginning to live my purpose. Finally free (or almost!! :) of all the "restrictions, fear and thoughts" that continually hold one back.
So I guess, that Lesson Number One should be--feel the fear, and do it anyway. Those things that hold us back will always feel worse than actually doing what we are here to do...so, here's to doing it anyway--I can hardly wait for the first class!!!
...and in case you were wondering, registration is NOW OPEN for the first set of classes--call or email me to hold your spot...(and all that contact info can be found on the link above).
~~on a side note...the grocery store had a ridiculous sale on Brie last week--99cents for a small wheel!! Seriously! So we will be eating lots of Brie filled recipes for the next little while!! Here's what I had for lunch today:
Grilled Cheese with Brie and Pepper Jelly
Home made bread
sliced brie
hot pepper Jelly
Just like any other grilled cheese sandwich, butter the bread pan side down, layer on your cheese and cook until golden brown. Then remove from heat spread on as much pepper jelly as you can handle and voila, a delicious sandwich! Easy!
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